New LinkedIn Live Dashboard


New dashboard brings new features

Some of you are already using LinkedIn Live. As of today, there are some really helpful new features on a still-hidden page.

Own video sources (RTMP).

Yes! You don’t need a third-party provider anymore, you can stream directly from your signal (e.g. with OBS). But it gets even better …

New LinkedIn Live Dashboard 1

Stream Preview

In the new dashboard you can check your signal and your video before you really go live. A “test” was previously only possible by actually going live, which was not optimal.

New LinkedIn Live Dashboard 2

Schedule and manage streams

You can only schedule multiple livestreams and add thumbnails to them. For this purpose, there is a separate area where you can edit scheduled videos.

In addition, you can stream 15 minutes before the scheduled livestream and be perfectly prepared.

New LinkedIn Live Dashboard 3

Comments, Mute & Analytics

In the new dashboard you can also: manage comments, mute participants and get analytics.

New LinkedIn Live Dashboard 4

How to request LinkedIn Live access

LinkedIn Live is not yet available to everyone. However, you can apply for access directly here and will be notified as soon as it happens:

The new Dashboard

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