Like and comment as LinkedIn Company Page

Free Chrome plugin for more reach of your LinkedIn company page

There are more and more users who are active on LinkedIn with their company page. Unfortunately, a company page currently has not only less reach than private profiles, but also significantly fewer options to gain more visibility.

With my LinkedIn Company Page Interactor, you can change this and attract more people to your company page.

What can the plugin do?

My free plugin offers your company page the possibility to interact with any post. This means you can like or comment on any post and increase the reach of your own company page several times.

Doesn't LinkedIn have this feature?

No. Currently, company pages are very limited and can only respond to mentions of their own page. Technically, the function does exist, but it has not really been implemented.

How does it work?

The plugin simply adds a new button to the LinkedIn interface and lets you choose a page you want to interact with. The dropdown allows you to choose a default page. With a simple click on the logo, a new tab will open and you will be able to like and comment with that page.

Step 1 - the new button

After the installation of the plugin, you will find a new button with a logo of your company pages on every LinkedIn post. By simply clicking on this button, the post will open as this company in a new tab.

Step 2 - Page selection

If you manage several company pages, you can select a different page via the arrow on the right. This page will be saved as default and will be visible on all posts from now on.

Step 3 - Interact with the company page

After clicking on the selected logo, the chosen post will open in a new tab and you will now be able to like and comment on it with the selected company page. 

Are there any hidden costs?

No. The logo was developed by me and is 100% free to use. There are no plans to change this.

Thank you! How can I support you?

If you like the plugin, feel free to recommend it. Of course you can also link to this page or buy me a coffee. But of course you can also use the plugin just like that.

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Like & comment as LinkedIn Company Page 75
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